Thursday, October 22, 2009

Turns out I be diggin' this blog scene

So I am hoping that more people are reading this blog than just the design AWEAR crew. Especially since I am going to share a relatively new and exciting forum with ya! It is called the Ethical Fashion Network. Otherwise known as the EFF, (I think that is what the cool kids call it). It is a network of awesome people and businesses that focus on social and environmental sustainability in the fashion industry. For those of you who thought that sentence sounded like gibberish; essentially it is a facebook-like social network full of people who care about clothing and mother earth!

It is a great way to connect with people all over the world and see what is going on in regards to sustainability. Lots of people seem to be using it as a method to hold events, though they mostly seem to be from Europe. So I say lets get as many Canadian folks as we can on this forum and hold our own event. Maybe a flannel shirt convention or a maple syrup breakfest, eh?

Much Love,
Jade xo

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