Thursday, January 21, 2010

Trash Fashion i'm not sure how to start this post without verbal diarrhea containing 101 personal opinions regarding fast trash fashion boutiques. You know the ones, racks upon racks inexpensive clothes that hit the store before the ink has dried on the latest street trend photos. It's no secret that many most of these rapidly produced ultra trendy garments are of poor fit and worse quality.  Yet the majority of the population continues to flock to these stores like a sheep, recently shorn and in need of a good coat. But instead of a good coat they end up with a shitty one that they'll throw out by next season along with a few sparkly shirts, some cheap tights, and a handful crappy plastic jewelry. We've all been there, emptying our closet into boxes and bags meant for the nearest goodwill. "The belt loops ripped the first time i put them on; i wore this shirt once but it got all twisty after i put it through the wash; i haven't EVEN worn this!; uhg what was i thinking?; etc etc etc." We sigh at the x amount of dollars wasted and try to comfort ourselves with the thought of someone with less dough who will find the article on the next 50% off day at the thrift store. But lets be honest, that top wont last anyone more than a year before it falls to threads. And dont even get me started on the community of talented designers who all have to compete for the tiny market of conscious shoppers while the rest of the fashion savvy refuse to pay for good quality creative design that actually costs what its worth, fits well, and is made to last.

I am aware that there are many people who study fashion with the hope of job security in the form of a product development position in a large corporate chain. And there are even more who's first thought for next weekend's outfit leads them right to the corner of Yonge and Dundas (or the nearest sale rack at the mall). I generally try to bite my tounge and lead by example. But after reading this article in the New York Times the angst has turned into a ball of rage sitting in the pit of my stomache. This is what happens when clothing is produced at such a rapid pace that theres not enough time to sell half of whats made before the next trend takes over. As if these giants arent moving things to the end of the product lifecycle quickly enough, countless stores are skipping the consumer all together and heading straight for the dumpster. All in the name of brand scarcity i suppose. Read the article and form your own oppinion but please think about what your supporting when you spend your hard earned cash on the 'perfect outfit' for your date next friday.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm made me think of the cheap clothing I have purchased only to find it did not last. I will do a better job shopping from now on.
    Since you are young and will be shaping the fashion industry please please remember those of us that are not size zero that want to buy sustainable clothing and clothing that fits and wears well. I wear size 24..I know gasp gasp but you can't see me right here in cyber space...and want clothing that is fashionable but more important durable. I garden, chop wood and can and want things that can move and be washed easily. I don't want the crotch to wear out or the fabric to stretch so that I look like Omar the Tent maker designed my clothing. Any up and comming designer who took on this huge (sic) % of the population would score big time!!!!
